Concept Inception:
When I prepared the "Advocacy Training for Habitat Protection" guidebook I added a footnote that there was a need for a DFO "auxiliary" similar to coast guard auxiliary. These "semi-volunteers" would be paid some remuneration but would volunteer part time hours to help man the wilderness during hunting and fishing seasons.
I have taken the concept a significant step further, with assistance from a philanthropist in California, has been initiated. The organization is fundamentally a group of highly trained, well equipped, dedicated, anonymous private investigators that use technology, stealth, wit and guts to capture video and photographic evidence of poaching, illegal dumping, illegal tree harvesting, wildlife and endangered species crimes, government project destruction of habitat, forestry company infractions under forest practices code and other environmental atrocities. The evidence will be brought into the court, the perpetrators will be charged and prosecution ensured through Envirowar lawyers should the Crown or,in the states, the district attorney fail to prosecute.
Operating Capital:
The fines from the court will be shared with the jurisdiction and EnviroWar would continue its function with portions of its expenses being covered by these "bounty" payments. The "agents" would remain anonymous and evidence gathered will be presented by myself and Envirowar spokespersons.
Initial Funding and Board Function:
The initial funding and equipment for surveillance is being provided by a business associate of mine. There is a requirement that all funding be under the supervision of a foundation board.
Additional Funding Source and Public Awareness:
There is further income available through documentary video production of actual operations by our agents. This will complete the funding to perpetuate the enforcement. The cooperation of State, Federal and Provincial governments is welcomed but not essential to the effectiveness of EnviroWar. This company will also operate an 1-800 EnviroTips line on a national basis. There will be rewards for anonymous tips leading to conviction.
The Pitch:
Without further elaboration, I encourage you to consider supporting this approach to advocacy. Governments have shown themselves capable of the worst atrocities against our natural home. I believe it is critical to the future of our children to ensure that the laws that are designed to protect the earth for future generations of all species, are rigidly enforced and that the public be given a point to focus on the significance of environmental crime.
Dave Norman
Upload date:
December 28, 2000 9:40 AM
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